Have Your Say on Norfolk & Suffolk Devolution
Local people, businesses and organisations are being consulted before the Government takes a final decision on whether to proceed with proposals for devolution to Norfolk & Suffolk.
The consultation period started on 8 July and runs until 23 August. Some of the main elements of the proposals are:
o An elected Mayor to chair a new Combined Authority covering Suffolk plus Broadland, South Norfolk and King's Lynn & West Norfolk Council areas. Some Councils in Norfolk (Breckland Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, North Norfolk District Council and Norwich City Council) have decided not to participate.
o The Combined Authority would be made up of an elected member from each of the participating Councils, plus a representative of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership.
o The Combined Authority would not replace any of the existing participating Councils, any existing town or parish councils or any existing Mayors.
o The Combined Authority would manage a budget of £25 million each year over 30 years to invest in infrastructure, economic growth and jobs, plus a total of £130 million to invest in housing.
o Voters in the Combined Authority Area would vote for the Mayor in 2017 and then every four years
Full information about the devolution proposals can be found on line at:
There you will be able to express your views using the on-line survey or download a paper survey.
Views can also be expressed by e-mail to: HaveYourSay@norfolk.gov.uk